Dr. Masi has authored 16 books, 10 of which are listed below. In addition, she has contributed chapters to books and written over 70 articles, some of which are listed on this site.
Edited by Dr. Dale A. Masi

The History of Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs) in the United States provides a comprehensive look at the seventy-year history of EAPs.
The first part of the history includes the historical data of the field using as source material social science literature, trade publications, government documents, and other relevant sources. The narrative traces the growth of EAPs from occupational social work to occupational alcoholism to the fully matured employee assistance field. It ends with a prospective on the current issues and potential directions of the field.
The second part of the history consists of eight hour-long interviews with pioneers in the field that the author also conducts. The videos are online at the University of Maryland Health Science Library and are available at the link below.
- Reinforcing Mental Health of Business Entities. Masi, et. al. Roudou Chosakai. Tokyo, Japan 2011.
- Fourth International EAP Compendium. Dale Masi, editor. Masi Research Consultants, Inc., Boston, MA 2010.
- Third International EAP Compendium. Dale Masi, editor. Masi Research Consultants, Inc., Washington, DC 2006.
- International Employee Assistance Anthology, 2nd Edition. Dale Masi, editor. University of Maryland, 2000.
- Evaluating Your Employee Assistance and Managed Behavioral Healthcare Programs, 2nd Printing. Dallen, Inc., March 2000.
- Productivity Lost: Alcohol and Drugs in the Workplace. Palm Beach FL: LRP Publications, 1999.
- Shrink to Fit. Deerfield Beach FL: Health Communications Inc., October 1998.
- International Employee Assistance Anthology. Dale Masi, editor. Detroit, MI: Performance Resource Press, 1996.
- Evaluating Your Employee Assistance and Managed Behavioral Healthcare Programs. Detroit, MI: Performance Resource Press, 1994.
- The AMA Handbook for Developing Employee Assistance & Counseling Programs. Dale Masi, editor. New York: American Management Association (AMACOM), 1992.
- AIDS Issues in the Workplace: A Response Model for Human Resource Management. Westport CT: Quorum Books, 1990.
- Drug Free Workplace. Washington DC: Buraff Publications, 1987.
- Designing Employee Assistance Programs. New York: American Management Association (AMACOM), 1984.
- Human Services in Industry. Lexington MA: D.C. Heath and Co., 1982.
- Paperback version; Towson MD: Sheppard Pratt National Education Center for Behavioral Sciences, 1983.
- Organizing for Women. Lexington MA: D.C. Heath and Co., 1981.
- Paperback version; Towson MD: Sheppard Pratt National Education Center for Behavioral Sciences, 1983.
- Social Welfare Needs and Services in the Military. Ann Arbor MI: University Microfilms, Inc., June 1965.
“The Employee Assistance Industry Alliance: Context, History and Initial Vision,” Employee Assistance Quarterly, Vol.19, No. 3, 2004.
et al, “Employee Assistance Programs in the Year 2002,” Mental Health, United States, 2002. SAMHSA. United States Department of Health and Human Services, 2002
“Employee Assistance Programs,” The AMA Handbook for Employee Recruitment and Retention. Cook, M., ed. American Management Association (AMACOM), 1992.
and Kaplan, R., “Employee Assistance Programs,” Managed Mental Health Care: Administrative and Clinical Issues. Feldman, J. and Fitzpatrick, R., eds. DC: American Psychiatric Press, 1992.
“Employee Assistance Programs,” The AMA Handbook for Developing Employee Assistance & Counseling Programs. Masi, D. ed. American Management Association (AMACOM), 1992.
“AIDS Counseling,” The AMA Handbook for Developing Employee Assistance & Counseling Programs. Masi, D. ed. American Management Association (AMACOM), 1992.
“AIDS Education at the Worksite,” Training and Development Yearbook. Frantzreb, R. ed. Prentice Hall: Englewood Cliffs NJ, 1991.
“Should Social Workers Work for Profit Firms? Yes,” Controversial Issues in Social Work. California: Allyn and Bacon, 1991.
“Why Ethnicity, Culture Concerns and EAPs,” with Masi, R. An Emerging Paradigm: EAPs and the New American Workforce. Hooks, J. and Weinstein, S. eds. Employee Assistance Professionals Association: Arlington VA, 1991.
“Module V Assessment,” chapter in Drug Abuse Curriculum for Employee Assistance Program Professionals. National Institute on Drug Abuse, Washington DC, 1989.
and Bowler, M. “Managing Mental Health Benefits: The Changing Role of the EAP,” Work and Health. NY: Panel Publishers, Inc., 1989.
“Employee Assistance Programs–Expectations and Reality for Mental Health Providers,” in South Oaks Foundation Mental Health Series. Amityville NY, 1987.
“Employee Assistance Programs,” chapter in Occupational Medicine: State of the Art Reviews 1(4), October-December 1986.
“The History, the Philosophy and the Essential Components of Employee Assistance Programs,” chapter in Alcoholism: Analysis of a World-Wide Problem. Edited by P. Golding. Lancaster, England: MTP Press Limited, 1983.
“A Review of Occupational Alcoholism and Employee Assistance Programs in Public Sector Organizations in the United States.” World Health Organization. Geneva Switzerland, 1983.
“Social Development in the Industrial Arena.” A Developmental Perspective in Social Work. University of Hawaii, School of Social Work, Honolulu HI, 1982.
Worldwide Guidelines for Mental Health in the Workplace, Dr. Dale A. Masi, Creator, © September 2003 Washington, DC
Utilization Factors and Outcomes for EAP and Work-Life Programs – summary publication of four studies conducted by the University of Maryland in collaboration with Ceridian Corporation, Dale Masi, et. al. -
Exploring Italian Social Work: Columbus in Reverse. Washington DC: NIMH, Government Printing Office, DHHS, Publication NO. HSM 72-9025, September 1972
Dale A. Masi & Kent Carlson. Journal of Workplace Behavioral Health. Volume 30: 1-2, pages 191-208. March 2015.
“EAP Utilization: EAP Field Doesn’t Do Itself Justice.” Dale A. Masi. The Journal of Employee Assistance. Volume 50: No. 4, p.6. 4th Quarter 2020
“Cost-Effectiveness of EAPs.” Dale A. Masi. In Correct Understanding and Application of EAP Necessary for All Entities that Implement Measures for Mental Health. Kabushiki Kaisha Roudou Chousakai, Tokyo, Japan. June 2011
“Definition and History of Employee Assistance Programs.” Dale A. Masi. In Correct Understanding and Application of EAP Necessary for All Entities that Implement Measures for Mental Health. Kabushiki Kaisha Roudou Chousakai, Tokyo, Japan. June 2011
“Redefining the EAP Field” Dale A. Masi. The Journal of Workplace Behavioral Health. Volume 26, Number 1, January-March 2011, pages 1-9.
“Redefining the EAP Field.” Dale A. Masi. In The 4th international employee assistance
compendium (pp. 3-10). Boston: Masi Research Consultants, Inc. 6/13/2010
Amaro H, et al. Trial of the University Assistance Program for Alcohol Use Among Mandated Students. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs. Supplement No. 16: 45-56, 2009.
“Mental Illness…Finding the Help You Need.” Dale A. Masi, Robin Masi. The Sunday Guardian. Port of Spain, Trinidad. April 12, 2009, page 13.
“Substance Abuse: Eating into the Bottom Line.” The Business Guardian, October 2, 2008.
“Help is on the way: EAPs in the Workplace.” Dale A. Masi, PhD, Robin Masi, MFA, EdM. The Sunday Guardian. Port of Spain, Trinidad. February 8, 2009. Page 13.
“Women and Wellness.” Dr. Dale A. Masi. Linkage: The American Chamber of Commerce of Trinidad and Tobago. Volume 4, 2008, pp. 34-5. ISSN 1814-1242.
“Balancing Work Life and Home.” The Sunday Guardian, January 18, 2009.
and Foster-Sanda, S., “Why College Binge Drinking is Relevant to EAPs.” Journal of Workplace Behavioral Health, Vol. 23 (4) 2008.
“Community Organizing: An Honorable Profession.” The Washington Examiner. December 31, 2008.
Manderscheid, Ronald W., Masi, D., Rossignol, Charles, R., and Masi, Daniel A. “The Integration of Physical Health and Behavioral Health Sciences: Three University Case Examples.” Archives of Psychiatric Nursing, Volume 21, No 3, 2007.
“New Initiatives in the EAP Field,” Behavioral Healthcare, Volume 26, No 4, April 2006.
“Employee Assistance Programs in the New Millennium,” International Journal of Emergency Mental Health, Vol.7, No. 3, Summer 2005.
“International Accreditation”, Employee Assistance Quarterly, Spring 2004
and Jacobson, Jodi M. “Outcome Measurements of an Integrated Employees Assistance and Work-Life Program”, Research on Social Work Practice, July, 2003
and Paul, Richard “Organizational Impact-Assessing the Needs of Employers” EAP Association Exchange, July/August 2002.
“Professional Education-The Key to Developing Conceptual Thinking” EAP Association Exchange, May/June 2002.
and Jacobson, Jody M. “Outcome Measurements of an Integrated Employees Assistance and Work-Life Program”, Research on Social Work Practice, Fall 2002.
and Tamburo, Melissa Back. “Motivation for the Use of an Online EAP and Work/Life Product”, EAPA Exchange, Spring 2002.
and Freedman, M. “The Use of Telephone and On Line Technology in Assessment, Counseling, and Therapy,” Employee Assistance Quarterly, Vol. 16 (3), 2001.
and Cooper, A.R. and Jacobson, J.M. “Quantifying Quality: Findings From Clinical Reviews,” Employee Assistance Quarterly, Fall 2000.
and Freedman, M. “Factors That Contribute to the Utilization of Telephone Information/Consultation and Face-to-Face Information/Consultation Services,” Employee Assistance Research Supplement, EAPA Exchange, Spring 2000.
“Employee Assistance Programs: Mental Illness and the Workplace: Can Health Services Research Influence Public Policy and Private Actions?”, the Association for Health Services Research and the National Alliance for the Mentally Ill, December 8-9, 1999.
“The Role of Employee Assistance Programs in Managed Behavioral Healthcare,” part of the Technical Assistance Series of the Center for Mental Health Services on Managed Behavioral Healthcare, February 1998. SAMHSA, US Public Health Service, US Department of Health and Human Services.
“Evaluation of Employee Assistance Programs (EAPS),” Research on Social Work Practice, vol. 7 No. 3, July 1997, pp. 378-390.
Boris M. Astrachan et. al. “The Role of a Payor Advisory Board in Managed Mental Health Care: The IBM Approach”. Administration and Policy in Mental Health Vol. 22, No. 6, July 1995, pp. 581-595.
and Kaplan, D. “Selecting a Substance Abuse Professional,” MRO Update, April 1995, pp. 1-3.
and Kaplan, D. “The Role and Qualifications of the Substance Abuse Professional,” MRO Update, January 1995, pp. 1-3.
“Elements of a Clinical Peer Review,” EAP Digest, January/February 1995, pp. 28-29.
“Evaluating EAPs: Summary Data from 20 Clinical Reviews, 1984-1994,” EAP Digest, January/February 1995, pp. 26-27.
“Violence in the Workplace: The EAP Perspective,” EAP Digest, March/April 1994, pp. 23-24.
“Occupational Social Work–Today,” Employee Assistance Magazine, March 1993.
“An American Participant in Russia,” EAPA Exchange, January 1993, pp. 12-13.
“Evaluation of Occupational Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Programs,” Proceedings of the 36th International Congress on Alcohol and Drug Dependence, Glasgow, Scotland, August 17, 1992. Published by the International Council on Alcohol and Addictions (ICAA).
“Special Populations in the Workplace: Outreach for AIDS Education and Counseling,” Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Social Work and AIDS, Washington DC, July 23, 1992. Published by the National Institute of Mental Health.
and Etzioni, D. “Sexual Harassment and the Role of EA Programs,” Employee Assistance Magazine, December 1991, pp. 6-33.
“Evaluating EAP/Managed Care Systems,” EAPA Magazine, October, 1990.
and Stanton, K. “Employee Assistance Programs and Working Women,” Women in Management Review, MCB University Press Ltd., England, April, 1990.
“The Role of Employee Assistance Programs,” Workplace Drug Abuse Policy: Considerations and Experience in the Business Community, National Institute on Drug Abuse, Washington DC, 1989.
and Friedland, S.J. “EAP Actions & Options,” Personnel Journal, June 1988.
and Bowler, M.H. “Managing Mental Health Benefits: The Changing Role of the EAP,” Compensation & Benefits Management 4(2), Winter 1988.
“An In-Depth Survey on Drugs Testing: What Are Other Companies Doing?” What You Must Know To Set Up and Enforce an Effective Anti-Drug Program. Waldstein, R., ed. Englewood Cliffs NJ: Prentice Hall Professional Newsletters, 1988.
“AIDS: What Can Be Done…What Should Be Done…What Is Being Done Now,” AIDS in the Workplace: Here Are the Answers You Must Have. Edited by Waldstein, R. and Heyer, J., eds. Englewood Cliffs NJ: Prentice Hall Professional Newsletters, February 1988.
and Goff, M. “The Evaluation of Employee Assistance Programs,” Public Personnel Management 16(4), International Personnel Management Association, November 1987.
and Boyle, P. “An Evening and Weekend Treatment Program for Alcoholism in the Workplace,” Employee Assistance Quarterly 2(4), Haworth Press, Inc., Summer 1987.
“AIDS in the Workplace: What Can Be Done?” Personnel, American Management Association, July 1987.
and Maiden, R.P. “Employee Assistance Programs: State of the Art,” Corporate Commentary 3(4), HLS Publication, Winter/Spring 1987.
“Qualitative Evaluation of EAPs: Peer Review,” The ALMACAN 17(4), March 1987.
and Montgomery, P. “Future Directions for EAPs,” The ALMACAN 17(4), March 1987.
“Company Responses to Drug Abuse from AMA’s Nationwide Survey,” Personnel, March 1987.
and Burns, L.A. “Urinalysis Testing and EAPs,” EAP Digest, September/October 1986.
“AIDS in the Workplace, Parts I & II,” The ALMACAN, Arlington VA, January/February 1986.
“The High Cost of Employee Substance Abuse,” Leaders Magazine, New York, October/November/December 1985.
and O’Brien, M.A. “Dealing with Drug Abuse in the Workplace,” Business and Health, Washington DC, December 1985.
“The Role of EAPs in Response to AIDS in the Workplace,” AIDS in the Workplace, American Management Association (New York), December 1985.
and Maiden, R.P. “EAP Specialization at the University of Maryland,” EAP Digest, Troy MI, July/August 1985.
and O’Brien, M.A. “Drugs in Industry,” EAP Digest, Troy MI, September/October 1984.
“Future Directions of Employee Assistance Programs,” The ALMACAN, Arlington VA, June 1984.
and Teems, L. “Employee Counseling Services Evaluation System: Design, Issues and Conclusions,” Evaluation and Program Planning 6, Pergamon Press Ltd., Philadelphia PA, 1983.
“Victims of Crime as EAP Clients,” The ALMACAN, 13(10), Arlington VA, October 1983.
“A Model for Evening and Weekend Treatment for Alcoholism in the Workplace,” Labor-Management Alcoholism Journal, National Council on Alcoholism, New York NY, March/April 1983.
“Problems of Overseas Employees and Their Families,” Labor-Management Alcoholism Journal 3(2), National Council on Alcoholism, New York NY, November/December 1979.
and Sumperer, J.P. “An Industrial Consortium: A Five-Year Analysis,” Labor-Management Alcoholism Journal 3(4), National Council on Alcoholism, New York NY, November/December 1979.
“Combating Alcoholism in the Workplace,” Health and Social Work, Journal of the National Association of Social Workers, Albany NY, November 1979.
“Occupational Alcoholism: An Area of Action for Hispanics,” Mental Health, Drugs and Alcohol Abuse, Albany NY, November 1979.
“Substance Abuse in Arab Countries,” Alcohol Health and Research World 2, Education and Welfare, National Clearinghouse for Alcohol Information, USDHEW, Washington DC, Summer 1978.
and Spencer, G. “Alcoholism and Employee Assistance Programs in Industry,” Social Thought 3(1), National Conference of Catholic Charities, Abbey Press, St. Meinard MN, Winter 1977.
“Social Services and the World of Work,” Social Thought, National Conference of Catholic Charities III(1), St. Meinard MN: Abbey Press, Winter 1977. Monograph.
“The Association of Community Organization Professors: A (Necessarily) Recent Issue,” ARETE 4(4), University of South Carolina, Columbia SC, Fall 1977.
“The Employed Woman Alcoholic,” Labor-Management Alcoholism Journal 6(6), National Council on Alcoholism, New York NY, May/June 1977.
“The Italian-American Woman Implication for Mental Health,” The Urban Experience of Italian Americans, Proceedings of the 8th Annual Conference of the American Italian Historical Association, 1977.
“Training Model for Implementing Industrial Alcoholism Program,” Proceedings of the 21st International Congress on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence, International Council on Alcohol Addictions, Bangkok Thailand; and Do It Now Foundations 3, Phoenix AZ, February 1977.
“Occupational Alcoholism,” Proceedings of the International Conference on Alcoholism and Addictions, Pan Arab League of Social Defense, Baghdad Iraq, November 1976.
“Planning Community Change,” New Catholic World, Paulist Press, New York NY, May/June 1976.
“Observations on British Social Work Education,” Iowa Journal of Social Work 6(2-3), University of Iowa, Iowa City IA, December 1975.
and Cole, E. “Program Evaluation Review Technique (PERT) for Social Planners,” International Social Work 17(1), Bombay India, 1975.
“Implementing Industrial Alcoholism Programs,” Proceedings of the 31st International Congress on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence, February 23-28, 1975.
“International Field Placements,” Journal of Education for Social Work. Winter 1974 10(1).
“Exploring Italian Social Work: Columbus in Reverse.” Washington DC: NIMH, Government Printing Office, DHHS, Publication NO. HSM 72-9025, September 1972. Monograph.
“Applicazione del PERT Ai Programmio Sociali,” La Rivista Di Servizio Sociale XL N4, Rome Italy, December 1971.
“Field Instruction in Community Organization: A Recent Experiment.” New York: National Urban League, 1967. Monograph