Masi Research Consultants is unique in being the only company that specializes in designing and evaluating EAPs through qualitative and quantitative methods both nationally and internationally.
Masi has worked in 45 countries worldwide providing consultations, trainings, and evaluations.

Dr. Jodi Jacobson Frey with Dr. Masi
EAP Evaluation & Consulting
EAP Professional Education Courses & Lectures
EAP Policy and Product Development

Dr. Masi at her Watergate office with staff person Vincenzio.

Dr. Masi at the Watergate.
- Request For Proposal (RFP) Development
- Write RFPs
- Develop scoring system
- Chair appropriate committees
- Organize all oral presentations
- Policy Development for EAPs
- Needs Assessments
- Contract Formulation
- Develop performance measurements and performance guarantees
- Design outcome measurement strategies
- Provider and Facility audits
- Verifying Licensure, Credentialing and Facilities
- Ongoing Consultation on Program Issues
- Design and Ongoing Analysis of Reporting Data Systems
- Evaluation of Program Staffing and Performance
- Designing and Conducting Cost-effectiveness/ROI Studies
- Methodology developed under U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services
- Personnel items, health insurance and worker’s compensation data, as well as EEO data, are analyzed and compared to control groups
- Studies done for Merrill Lynch, U.S. Postal Service, insurance companies, and many others
- Jay Avella, PhD, Professor in organizational development at Capella University, is the psychometrican
- Monitoring Employee Satisfaction
- The instruments are distributed both in person and/or online for client
- Scores are analyzed in comparison to Masi’s Book of Business
- Statistical comparisons also provided quarterly and annually
- Demographic comparison also provided (gender, age and ethnicity)
- Clinical Peer Panel Reviews
- Methodology originated with IBM
- Documentation and clinical scores provided form each case reviewed
- Qualitative and quantitative protocols used as instruments for review
- Nationally known experts from psychiatry, psychology and social work professions are reviewers
- Reviews done for a number of employers such as IBM, the U.S. Senate, Bristol Meyers, and American Management Association
- Accreditation Compliance
- Commissioned by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) to develop the original standards for the Council on Accreditation (COA)
- Team leader for five beta sites
- Provide consultation for the development of the self-study
- Prepare applicants for the site visit
- Work with national and international EAPs to adapt program for accreditation
- Substance abuse in the workplace
- Substance abuse
- Workplace violence
- Work/Life programs
- Wellness programs
- Student assistance programs
- Binge drinking on college campuses
- Developing internships for both international and US students
- Identifying Markets for Growth
- Developing Networks
- Delivering Seminars and Workshops
- Implementation of Program for Nationals and Expatriates
- Evaluating international EAP programs
- Experienced Psychometricians work for MASI in designing research studies
- Conducts major studies on innovative approaches to delivery of telephonic and online services (conducted major 3-year study for Ceredian Corporation)
- Surveys and employee opinion studies
- Conducting research on college binge drinking
- EAP curriculum development: Certificate programs, undergraduate, masters, doctoral
- EAP Design
- Essential ingredients of EAP
- Evaluation of EAPs and Work/Life
- Doctoral Dissertation advising
- Designing Mental Health and Substance Abuse Programs Based on the employee assistance model for universities and colleges
- Reviewing delivery of mental health and counseling services and designing an integrated model with university health systems according to the Institute of Medicine’s recommendations
- Initiating programs that have a special emphasis on the alleviation of college binge drinking
- Designing violence prevention programs for the workplace and training supervisors and managers
- Designing violence prevention programs for college campuses and training administrators, faculty, and resident assistants
- Writing RFPs
- Verifying Licensure, Credentialing, and Facilities
- Evaluating Performancea